Test Reader Non-Disclosure Agreement
Author: Livia Nemeth
Test reader : Person receiving the work of Livia Nemeth free of charge
The test reader receives the work of Livia Nemeth for test reading, whether it be in electronic or hard-copy form, a full manuscript, or an excerpt, free of charge.
2. EXCLUSIONS. The Test Reader agrees that under no circumstances will they reproduce, redistribute, copy (either electronically or physically), share, or make public any material in any size or quantity to any third party outside of this agreement. The Test reader understands that this includes, but is not limited to piracy, speaking about manuscript contents with anyone other than the Author, and duplicating the manuscript in any form. The Test Reader has permission to post reviews on book review websites (e.g. Amazon, Goodreads) after the book has been published.
3. The test reader agrees and confirms that all work submitted to them from the Author Livia Nemeth is the rightful intellectual property and copyrighted material of Livia Nemeth. The submission of material for test reading and/or editing privileges made exclusively under this agreement is in no way to be represented as purchased or gifted property.
5. The author has the right to prosecute all violations of the Agreement by any legal means available.
6. LIABILITY. Test Reader is solely responsible for any violation of this agreement.
Author will not be held liable for Test Reader’s actions.
7. LENGTH OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement will be valid indefinitely, unless otherwise specified in writing and signed by both parties, even in the event the test reader is no longer associated with the author.
By clicking on "I Agree" in the web form before submitting it, the test reader agrees to these conditions.
The test reader will receive the work of Livia Nemeth to test read after agreement of these conditions.